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RFP - HVAC System Replacement - Bid Deadline 2/18/2025


The Housing Authority City of Odessa, Texas, is accepting sealed bids for the replacement of thirteen (13) 3-ton HVAC Systems for the Third Edition Apartments at 251-279 E. 48th St, 951-969 Harless, 2501-2575 W 10th St. and A-U 1201 N Whitaker Ave.

The Contractor's services include replacing thirteen 3-ton HVAC Systems at the Third Edition Apartments.

The Contractor must provide proof of certification of liability insurance with the bid. 

Contractor Requirements:

If the bid exceeds $25,000 dollars, a Payment Bond for 100% of the contract price will be required.

If the bid exceeds $100,000 dollars, a Performance Bond for 100% of the contract price will be required. 

A Pre-Bid Conference (highly recommended) will be held on Friday, Feburary 7, 2025, at 10:00 AM in the Housing Authority City of Odessa, Texas Board Room located at 124 East 2nd St., Odessa TX 79761.

Sealed Proposals are to be submitted to:

Mary Hill, Administrative Assistant/HR
Housing Authority City of Odessa Texas
124 E 2nd Street, Odessa, 79761
Attention: Andrew Laabs, CEO

Bid proposals will be due Tuesday, February 18, 2025, no later than 11:00 AM. 

Sealed Bids will be opened on Tuesday, February 18, 2025, at 11:15 AM.

RFP Guidelines and Specification will be provided at the Main Office, and by email upon request. 

Bids are publicly solicited, and a firm-fixed-price contract will be awarded to the responsive and responsible bidder with the best value to the Housing Authority City of Odessa Texas.

Any questions may be directed to the following:

Mary Hill, Cynthia Valles, Andrew Laabs
Phone: 432-333-1088

Bids must be good for sixty (60) days after the bid opening date and will be considered by the Board of Commissioners at the next scheduled board meeting.

The Housing Authority City of Odessa Texas, reserves the right to accept/reject any and/or all bids and is an equal opportunity employer.